Title: “Remarks on a March”: A Female Perspective on the French and Indian War
Description: Charlotte Browne served as matron of the British army’s general hospital during the French and Indian War (1754-1763). She left a rare account from a woman’s perspective on daily life in the army on campaign as well as her observations of North America during wartime. Explore the complexity of her identity as a British middling woman in the mid-eighteenth century and the impact of war on her life and roles within the army and society.
Bio: Dr. Erica Nuckles is an award-winning museum leader, curator, educator, and scholar who currently serves as the Director of Learning, Engagement, and Partnerships at The Westmoreland Museum of American Art in Greensburg, Pennsylvania. She is the former Director of History & Collections at Fort Ligonier and the Braddock’s Battlefield History Center, an alumnus of the 2013 Yale Public History Institute, and has worked at several other museums and historic sites in the Washington D.C. area and the Hudson River Valley. Nuckles grew up in Pittsburgh and holds a Bachelor of Arts in anthropology from the University of Wyoming, a Master of Arts in museum studies from the George Washington University, and a Doctor of Philosophy in history from the University of Albany, SUNY.