Meet the Staff
Get to know our determined and enthusiastic staff at the Onöhsagwë:de’ Cultural Center.
At the Onöhsagwë:de’ Cultural Center (OCC), staff from the Seneca-Iroquois National Museum and SNI Archives, collaboratively put their minds together; ensuring a common goal of preserving and sharing Hodinöhsö:ni’ heritage for generations to come.
Lisa George
Assistant Director
Wichita Tribe, Seneca Nation, Heron Clan
Favorite thing about working at the OCC:
“Always learning.”
Randee Spruce
Seneca Nation, Heron Clan
Favorite thing about working at the OCC:
“Working with our nation’s history.”
Johnna Crouse
Collections Manager/Conservator
Seneca Nation / Muscogee Creek, Hawk Clan
Favorite thing about working at the OCC:
“Meeting new people near and far.”
Brianna Lyman
Collections Database Manager
Favorite thing about working at the OCC:
“The endless opportunities for growth.”
Angelique Trinidad
Executive Administrative Assistant
Seneca Nation, Bear Clan
Favorite thing about working at the OCC:
“Having the opportunity to immerse myself in our
culture more than I normally would.”
Alan Dowdy
Lead Cultural Interpreter
Tuscarora Nation, Turtle Clan
Favorite thing about working at the OCC:
“Being involved in community gatherings
and learning history.”
Carson Redeye
Lead Cultural Interpreter
Seneca Nation/Onondaga, Wolf Clan
Favorite thing about working at the OCC:
“Having grown up in the same community.”
Hilton Johnny-John
Lead Cultural Interpreter
Seneca Nation/Tonowanda, Turtle Clan
Favorite thing about working at the OCC:
“The endless opportunities to grow in all cultural
cultural aspects and meet new people.”
Rebecca Bowen
Archives Manager
Seneca Nation, Bear Clan
Favorite thing about working at the OCC:
“Putting together a collection of historical
SNI records that will be available for our
future generations.”
Arthur Hill
Records Manager
Seneca Nation, Wolf Clan
Favorite thing about working at the OCC:
“Accessioning Nation records and providing
a service to internal departments.”