Curated Collections
Our SINM Collections consist of items from the Six Hodínöhšö:ni:h Nations – Seneca, Mohawk, Cayuga, Oneida, Onondaga and Tuscarora- also known as the Iroquois. We have thousands of Ögwa:wëh [it belongs to us] (formally referred to as “objects”) that date back multiple generations. The Seneca-Iroquois National Museum along with the Seneca Nation Archives Department are the safe keepers of historical documents, including articles, special publications, historical and family photographs and various multi-media productions regarding the Onöndowa’ga:’ and Hodínöhšö:ni:h. By preserving and archiving our belongings we can educate people about our own unique culture, language, and history.

Curated Collections
Our SINM Collections consist of items from the Six Hodínöhšö:ni:h Nations – Seneca, Mohawk, Cayuga, Oneida, Onondaga and Tuscarora- Or also known as the Iroquois. We have thousands of Ögwa:wëh [it belongs to us] (formally referred to as “objects”) that date back multiple generations. The Seneca-Iroquois National Museum along with the Seneca Nation Archives Department are the safe keepers of historical documents, including articles, special publications, historical and family photographs and various multi-media productions regarding the Onöndowa’ga:’ and Hodínöhšö:ni:h. By preserving and archiving Ögwa:wëh we can educate people about our own unique culture, language, and history.